On Friday, January 19, 2024, the NZCYF and MERC teamed up to host the NZCYT MERC Camp, a thrilling one-day, one-night adventure for young participants. Activities like Body Boarding, Raft Building, Stake up, and Rock Climbing challenged the youths physically and fostered teamwork in the scenic outdoors.
As the sun set, indoor games and a cozy “Sleeping Bag Movie” session brought laughter and camaraderie. Participants also learned valuable lessons in self-management through dormitory cleanliness duties, showcasing responsibility and teamwork.
Grateful acknowledgments were extended to the dedicated volunteer mentors and parents whose efforts ensured the camp’s success. Their commitment created an enriching and unforgettable experience.
The NZCYT MERC Camp concluded with profound impact, leaving lasting memories and fostering growth and friendships. Looking ahead, the NZCYF anticipates more collaborations to create further unforgettable moments for the children.
With appreciation to all participants, mentors, parents, and supporters, the NZCYF eagerly awaits the next adventure, where new memories and growth await.
2024年1月19日週五。NZCYT協同MERC舉辦了一次海洋育樂營。在這次為期一天一夜的 NZCYT MERC Camp 中,參與的青少年們度過了一個充實而豐富的營會。活動包含了 Body Boarding、Raft Building、Stake up、Rock Climbing 四項挑戰性的活動,讓大家充分體驗了戶外冒險的樂趣。
參與者們除了投入挑戰性的戶外活動,還一同參與了室內遊戲和享受 Sleeping Bag Movie 的時光。這些活動不僅豐富了大家的營會體驗,也讓夜晚變得更加有趣溫馨。
NZCYT MERC Camp 為參與者們帶來了難忘的回憶,不僅豐富了他們的冒險營會體驗,也在學習、成長、合作和友誼的道路上留下了深刻的印記。