Milford Sea Scout Group

The Milford Sea Scout Troop is the first Scout Group run by Chinese Speaking Volunteers in New Zealand with the support from local Sea Scout leaders and NZ Scout Association since 2005. It targets Chinese youths aged 5 to 26 years.

Milford海童軍支隊建立於2005年。這是新西蘭第一個由中英雙語自願者導師們帶領和運作的童軍支隊。它主要為年齡在5 – 26歲的新西蘭華人青少年為服務對象。Milford海童軍是唯一 一支有華英雙語導師的童軍隊伍。

Milford Sea Scout Introduction:

A progressive award scheme

enables members to learn a range of new skills through working on personal challenges and group activities. We believe that these activity-based learning experiences, provided in a safe and secure environment, helps young people develop into self-assured individuals, learning life skills and values that will help them become responsible adult citizens.


若您 希望孩子

  • 參與更多有益身心的活動,遠離宅電玩
  • 有更多志同道合的良益玩伴,拒絕不良行為
  • 希望孩子更加強壯,培养長足的力量、勇氣和信心
  • 希望發掘培養孩子的組織領導才能, 團隊合作精神…
  • 在童軍這個健康的大熔爐中,您的孩子將有無限可能!

The Sea Scout movement arranges various water activities and competitions such as sailing, boating and kayaking in addition to land-based scout activities like camping and hiking throughout the year. Members learn about water safety and teamwork, as well as how to put up tents, make fires and various other outdoor skills. We also organise camping, tramping and skiing activities during school holidays.


  • 通過各種戶內戶外活動,強身健體,並激勵提升信心和能力
  • 參與陸上活動包括課堂遊戲、繩結、營火、救傷、野外生存安全等
  • 參與水上活動的培訓,包括划船、獨木舟、風帆、水上安全、救生等
  • 透過個人挑戰及小組活動掌握各項技能及考取獎章
  • 有機會加入童軍總部舉辦的露營、滑雪、攀岩、攝影、航海、飛行等特訓學校

Milford Sea Scout Group Meetings:

The Milford Sea Scout Group is recruiting boys and girls from 5 to 18 years old to become Sea Scout members with the following information:



GroupTime of Meetings:School YearAge
Keas 幼童軍Every Tuesday 週二 4:00 – 5:30 pm1-35-8 years old
Cubs 小童軍Every Tuesday 週二 4:00 – 5:30 pm4-68-10 years old
Scouts 童軍Every Tuesday 週二 4:00 – 5:30 pm7-1010-14 years old
Venturers 資深童軍1-1314-18 years old

* 另有其他特别户外及水上活動會在周末或假期舉行。


The ratio of leader to scout is one to six. We have both English and Chinese speaking scout leaders in the Milford Scout Group. The Leaders are responsible for arranging programs to and monitor progress of each youth member.


本隊由華語及英語導師推行各項童軍技能培訓獎勵計劃。導師與學 員的比例為1:6。


As a Sea Scout Group we have all the benefits of a land scout group plus the added advantage of boating, canoeing and water safety. We hold a lot of water based competition during the year with other Sea Scout Groups, as well as land based competitions. Members can learn skills such as putting up tents, cooking, making fires, using knots and team working through camping during the year at various destinations.


海童軍兼備一般童軍陸上的活動及訓練,如露營、結繩、營火、救 傷、原野烹飪外,還會著重各項水上活動培訓及比賽,如划船、獨木舟、風帆、水上安全、救生等。


A progressive award scheme enables Scouts to learn a range of new skills through working on personal challenges and group activities.


隊員可透過參與個人挑戰及小組活動,循序漸進地考取獎章及掌握 各項技能。


A Navy Blue shirt (can be bought from Scout Direct) Black shorts (can be bought anywhere) on or above the knee Long black socks and black shoes, a scarf and a woggle

童軍製服 :

藍色上衣 (童軍總部特製海童軍制服)
黑色短褲 (自备,不可長及膝蓋),黑長襪及黑鞋(自备)

Inquiry 查詢及報名:

Trucy Qin  手機:020-1000168   



  1. 首先請加隊長的微信,微信ID是 trucyq。也可以在圖一的宣傳圖中掃二維碼加。這樣方便溝通,之後我們會邀請你進入咨詢家長群。
  2. 點擊以下鏈接填寫參加意向表:

  • 我們會根據意向表的報名順序和年齡組別,在咨詢家長群發邀請,請孩子過來試課。童軍允許孩子在正式加入前試課最多四次。
  • 當決定正式加入時,就繳交入隊費和活動費,並辦理正式加入手續成為正式隊員參加活動。

Meeting Venue 集會地點:

24 Craig Road, Milford, Auckland 0620