Our Team
Manager: Trucy Qin
- Lawden Chow (Chair)
- Eddie Lee
- Anthony Ho
- Philip So
- Teddy Chow
Office Address: Milford Sea Scout Centre, 24 Craig Road, Milford, Auckland 0620
The New Zealand Chinese Youth Trust is a non-profit charitable organization established in 1999 with the primary objective of empowering young Chinese individuals to maximize their potential
At NZCYT, we are dedicated to providing a diverse range of engaging and educational activities and programmes. Our goal is to empower Chinese youths to explore their
St John Youth Division Introduction The Trust has cooperated with St. John to set up the 1st Chinese bilingual division in Epsom since February 2003 and successfully
The Milford Sea Scout Troop is the first Scout Group run by Chinese Speaking Volunteers in New Zealand with the support from local Sea Scout leaders and
Dear Parents and Youth Members, Our last day for Term 2 was on Tuesday, 2 July 2024.
Division will resume for Term 3, 2024 on Tuesday, 23 July 2024 at 7pm.
Milford Sea Scout和華人青少年基金會攜手在Milford Beach舉辦了一天的開放日。這次活動旨在向公眾宣傳海童軍的宗旨、價值觀,介紹活動內容並招募童軍隊員。
2024年1月19日週五。NZCYT協同MERC舉辦了一次海洋育樂營。在這次為期一天一夜的 NZCYT MERC Camp 中,參與的青少年們度過了一個充實而豐富的營會。
我們華人青少年基金會的扯鈴體驗班又開始了。 扯鈴活動男女老少咸宜。 老師教得認真,學員學的開心。 陽光下,美好的畫面。
祝賀華人青少年基金會獲得了紐西蘭總督以及ST John救護機構/騎士軍團頒發的Priory Vote Of Thanks的嘉獎!
Manager: Trucy Qin
Office Address: Milford Sea Scout Centre, 24 Craig Road, Milford, Auckland 0620