The Holiday Programme is jointly organized by New Zealand Chinese Youth Trust (NZCYT) and Joy College. The programme is five days a week during the school holidays every year.
The programme is for children aged 5-13. This is not an ordinary holiday childcare service or a single interest learning class. Activities include traditional Chinese cultural experience, Chinese language immersion teaching and practice, various practical safety, environmental protection related knowledge and skills learning, etc. After the five-day camp in a week, the trainees will improve their knowledge and skills in many aspects.
Another focus of this programme is to provide opportunity to train young leaders. Children over the age of 13 can sign up to become Youth Volunteer, and we have a special supporting training plan. This volunteer service can count toward your child’s community service hours.
Our holiday program for young volunteer training aims to enhance personal skills through hands-on experience, including leadership, teamwork, safety control, childcare and guidance, crisis management, event design and management, venue planning and setup, equipment use and management, and more. Participants also learn Chinese and experience various aspects of traditional Chinese culture in an immersive setting. These soft skills are beneficial for the future learning, work, and life of young people.
To improve the overall quality of the camp operation and to help each young volunteer better understand their purpose and performance in the training, we have designed a special assessment system for young volunteers. The assessment scores will consider feedback from training mentors, camp instructors, and fellow young volunteers.
With this objective and quantitative assessment, we hope to see the strengths and areas for improvement of each young volunteer more clearly, providing direction for future service and training. This also aims to create a reference database for NZCYT, which can be used for providing recommendations and background checks to support these young people in the future.
這個營會的另一個重點,就是我們NZCYT作為培訓青年小領袖的絕佳機會。13歲以上的孩子,可以報名成為Youth Volunteer,我們有一個專門的配套培訓計畫。這個義工服務可以記入孩子的社區服務時數。
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