Milford Sea Scout Group and the New Zealand Chinese Youth Trust joined hands to host a day-long open house at Milford Beach. The purpose of this event was to promote the mission, values, and activities of the Sea Scouts to the public, as well as to recruit new scout members. We sincerely thank the volunteers from Milford Sea Scout and the New Zealand Chinese Youth Trust for their tremendous support, which made this event possible.
The participating youth had a fulfilling and enriching day. The activities were diverse and engaging, including land-based sailing instruction, raft building, canoeing lessons, diabolo demonstrations, and shuttlecock kicking. These activities allowed everyone to fully experience the joy of maritime and outdoor sports.
We look forward to more events in the future, inviting more youth to participate and discover the endless excitement that Sea Scouts have to offer! Thank you all for your support and participation!
Milford Sea Scout和華人青少年基金會攜手在Milford Beach舉辦了一天的開放日。這次活動旨在向公眾宣傳海童軍的宗旨、價值觀,介紹活動內容並招募童軍隊員。我們由衷感謝Milford海童軍和華人青少年基金會的志願者們,他們的大力支持讓這次活動得以順利舉行。