Priory Vote Of Thanks

Congratulations to the New Zealand Chinese Youth Trust for receiving the prestigious Priory Vote Of Thanks award from the Governor-General of New Zealand and ST John Ambulance!

This award recognizes the unwavering and comprehensive support that the New Zealand Chinese Youth Foundation has provided to the two Chinese branches of St John Youth (Newmarket & Milford) over the past 22 years. On behalf of The Order of St John, Dame Cindy Kiro, the Director/ Governor of The Order of St John in New Zealand, presented the Foundation with a certificate of honor in appreciation.

ST John also extends gratitude to all the St John Youth volunteers from the Chinese branches. Through the selfless dedication of the volunteer mentors, society gains a group of capable young individuals ready to assist in times of need.

The formal award ceremony took place tonight at the ST John Milford Youth Unit. We are thankful for the presence of Dr. Andrew Zhu, Richard, Michael, and other members of the St John Order Affairs Committee, representing St John in presenting the award to the New Zealand Chinese Youth Foundation. Trustees of NZCYT and mentors from the Newmarket unit also attended to receive the award alongside the Milford unit mentors. This recognition from ST John reflects the continuous support and dedication of our foundation, and it is an honor that all members of our foundation deeply cherish!

St John Youth is an integral part of several community health services provided by St John, offering training for youth aged 6-18 and recruiting Youth Leaders aged 18 and above. For more details, please visit Chinese families are also welcome to contact our North Shore Milford unit and Central Newmarket unit.

祝賀華人青少年基金會獲得了紐西蘭總督以及ST John救護機構/騎士軍團頒發的Priory Vote Of Thanks的嘉獎!
為感謝紐西蘭華人青少年基金會對St John Youth 兩個華人支部(Newmarket & Milford) 22年來持之以恆的全方位支持。 St John – Order Affairs Committee 代表The Order of St John 新西蘭院長/總督 Dame Cindy Kiro向基金會頒發榮譽獎狀予以表彰。 ST John也感謝所有華人支部的St John youth志願者們,因著志願者導師們的無私奉獻,社會中又多了一群有能力救死扶傷的青少年。
正式授獎儀式今晚在ST John Milford Youth隊進行。感謝Dr Andrew Zhu 和 Richard,Michael等StJ Order Affairs Committee NR蒞臨並代表St John給華人青少年基金會頒獎。 NZCYT的各位Trustees和Newmarket隊的導師們也都過來和Milford隊的導師們一起領獎。這是ST John對我們華人青少年基金會一直以來支持和努力的認可,也是我們基金會所有會員倍感自豪的榮譽!
St John Youth 屬於St John 多個社區健康服務的組成部分之一,面對6-18歲青少年提供訓練和並招收18歲以上的Youth Leader, 詳情請查看 也歡迎華人家庭聯絡我們的北岸Milford隊和中區Newmarket隊。